Description: User Experience (UX) is a broad term that can be applied in many fields of study. Using job searches, desk reviews and reflections collaborate with your classmates who have similar career goals to research how user experience design applies to your future job role(s).

My Goals:

  1. Understand the different types of skills UX designers use.
  2. Get more in depth on what UX design really is.


Job Research

Starting off in this exercise I researched articles and websites on how UX design plays in the fashion industry. My aspirational long-term position would be would be fashion design director or UX design director in the fashion industry. From these articles I learned that UX design plays a big part in the industry by designing clothes for a client whether it's on an app, website or in person. In all scenarios, it's the UX designer's job to help bring the clothing to life, create an engaging connection to customers and clothes and to deliver a personalized and a captivating visual experience on a app and website.

Skills in the User Experience Design Field

As a team, we collaborated and came up with three main types of skills user experience designers use and examples of what you do in those particular skills. The three main types of skills were design-thinking skills, technical skills, and teamwork skills.

My thoughts: Out of those three types of skills, I’ve realized that I put more effort in the design-thinking skills and the teamwork skills. I would say those skills match my strengths. My area of growth are around the technical skills.

Far left: Teamwork skills; Middle: Design-thinking skills; far right: Technical skills

Far left: Teamwork skills; Middle: Design-thinking skills; far right: Technical skills

This photo represents the types of skills ,separated into categories, and examples of those skills on sticky notes.

Teamwork skills:

Design-thinking skills:

Technical skills:

Secondary Research

After each of us individually researched our job role, we then as a team researched different UX trends and summarized more on what UX design is and the value it has to offer. From our research, we found:

My thoughts: After completing this search, I now have gained more knowledge on how UX design can be applied to many different jobs and how each of those jobs require specific skill sets.

Individual Contribution

During this exercise, within my group I contributed by providing my individual articles related to by job role and the UX design trends related to that job. I also helped with the documentation by providing research used in the documentation and in the slides.

My Reflection

Reflecting from this exercise, I’ve learned more about different jobs and trends in the UX field. I also learned about the various types of skills you can use. I am very comfortable using teamwork and design-thinking skills. Technical skills are my area of growth for me and I look forward to gaining those skills in my future UX classes. I already learned so much on what UX design is and I can’t wat to learn more.

fashion app image.jpg

This is an example of what I would want to do in the fashion industry: help create and make technology within fashion apps and websites easier and more engaging for users.