These are some of my projects I created in this class using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. A couple of these projects I created from scratch using Adobe Illustrator and one project I created by using multiple photos and intergraded them together using Adobe Photoshop.

Project #1: Digital Image

For this project, I used a mix of both Illustrator and Photoshop. First, I took a picture of a building. Then, using illustrator, I traced out the building and then in Photoshop I added color, shading, and lighting to fully complete the look.





Project #2: Movie Poster

For my second project, we were instructed to create a movie poster. Using Photoshop I copied/pasted pictures of well known movie characters as well as a picture of a house and integrated them all together with shading to create a “newer” vision of the classic movie Clue.

clue movie poster (1).png

Project 3: Infographic

This last project is creating an Infographic. Inspired by Taylor Swift and her music I drew icons that represented each of her albums and assembled them together along with a fact for each of her albums through photoshop in the end.

Taylor Swift Infographic (1).pdf