Course Overview: This course immerses students in a company-like environment where they work on semester-long design projects that are sponsored by industry partners. Students learn about the various roles within a UX environment as they build collaboration and project management skills. Projects utilize a human-centered design approach with an emphasis on designing for the user experience.

Learning Objectives:

  1. TEAMWORK: Participate actively and contribute to team activities. Reflect on the skills required to collaborate on a UX project.

  2. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Identify and use project management tools and techniques.

  3. UX SPECIALIZATION: Explore areas of UX specialization.

  4. PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION: Explain project objectives in a professional manner.

My Assigned Project Description:

This project focuses on improving the visibility of P&G beauty products on Amazon Mobile, relying upon UX research and interaction design to do so.

Our main goal is to assess and address user pain points on Amazon mobile that limit the purchases of P&G skin care and grooming products (specifically Olay, Gillette, and Braun brands). Targeting previously discovered user pain points of scrolling fatigue and cognitive overload, we hope to see improvements in customer closure rates and trade up.

To see results, we will focus on improving the item discovery process. Specifically, our efforts will focus on improving item search, filtering, and comparison, with a potential deliverable being a widget that makes these features streamlined for the user. We will begin with user research focused on exploring the current online experience, and finding ways to incorporate marketing methods of physical stores. By using feedback from our stakeholders in interviews and testing, we will iteratively develop a solution to support the purchase of, and loyalty to, P&G products on Amazon Mobile.

My Goals:

  1. Explore and improve on my UX specialization areas.
  2. Understand and learn how to address presentations and communications in a professional manner.
  3. Improve my time management skills as I collaborate with my group on our project.
  4. Enhance my teamwork skills by actively participating and collaborating with my teammates.

Project Process

  1. Milestone 1:  Examining the online shopping experience
  2. Milestone 2: Evaluating and Reimagining Product Discovery
  3. Milestone 3: Creation, Implementation, and Evaluation

Affinity diagram from our interviews

Affinity diagram from our interviews

User Journey Map of a shopper’s experience and frustrations they while shopping for products on Amazon Mobile

User Journey Map of a shopper’s experience and frustrations they while shopping for products on Amazon Mobile

Sketches/prototypes of page layouts to improve shoppers experience

Sketches/prototypes of page layouts to improve shoppers experience

Figma Mockups

In our final stage we started doing Figma mockups of screens of the flow of taking the user on Amazon mobile to personalized regimen skin care products.

Here are the mockups I completed, my job was to focus on the search page, as the user goes to search up what they want on Amazon mobile.

Screenshot 2024-04-03 142642.png

Screenshot 2024-04-03 142801.png

Main Takeaways

From this class, I have had the wonder privilege of working with a wonderful group of classmates and an industry-leading company. I have acquired many skills as I worked on this project such as working with Figma, completing multiple competitive analyses, conducting proper interviews, and journey mapping. I loved this class and it was a great experience for my freshman year at Purdue University and I look forward to gaining more experiences like this in my future classes.