Over the summer, I had the wonderful opportunity to intern for ThriftBooks, specifically the thriftBooks Marketing team, and working under their UX/UI Designer Karen Meyers.
During my time at ThriftBooks I was instructed to redesign one of their pages on their website as well as a version for their mobile app. I applied my UX skills and completely redesigned one of the pages on their website and presented my design to the Operations team.
This is the page I was asked to redesign, this page is the wholesale book page. The user group is people who want to buy bulk orders of books.
To begin this project, I researched ThriftBooks’ competitor websites and completed a competitive analysis an all of the different wholesale pages’ designs and analyzed all of their content. After I completed this analysis I scheduled a meeting with the Operation teams and sent them a questionnaire of what they want out of the new wholesale page.
Here is my competitive analysis on the different websites and their content of their wholesale pages
These are the questions I asked in my questionnaire and the responses I got from the Operations team
After gathering responses on my questionnaire I created posters and used visual hierarchy to determine what is absolutely necessary to have on the new design and where content should be placed.
This process of visual hierarchy really helped with my design and made me realized how important prioritizing your content is to your designs.
Here is my poster with sticky notes showing the hierarchy of what should be on top and on the bottom.
After figuring out my content I started wire framing and sketching my designs on Figma.
Here are two different templates I roughly sketched out for my new design
Here is a hand drawer sample sketch of a little more detailed sketch of what the new design would like on the website
After sketching out wireframes and prototype sketches I conducted usability testing with a few ThriftBooks employees. These testings gave me helpful feedback on what I should improve for my final design.
After getting feedback from my usability testing, I started my final high fidelity design with interaction on sigma. Here is a what it looks like below.
Here is part of what my final design looks like
Link to my website design:https://www.figma.com/proto/Tjmb7lGa4PeIAiY1usMBq8/Supply-2024?node-id=391-577&t=aKuCxnijWGhayulZ-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=391%3A2&starting-point-node-id=391%3A577
Link to my mobile design: https://www.figma.com/proto/Tjmb7lGa4PeIAiY1usMBq8/Supply-2024?node-id=391-587&t=6nneWy3tvQuUuSmG-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=391%3A2&starting-point-node-id=391%3A577